Month: January 2012

Why Do I write?

The first reason I write is for Decanting. I need the solace it provides. I need the space it creates within me… by emptying out the junk that accumulates in the unfrequented corners of my inner space. You collect unusable stuff despite your constant vigilance, since you know yourself to be a veritable magnet for […]

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Wishing Tree

  Yawn..! Oh dear! What a silly, dull day…! Hey you..! Listen, I feel like talking today. I don’t need you to talk, just listen. If you can, try to look intelligent as if you understand. It isn’t mandatory, however. I wish he’d go, this poor excuse of a human being groveling at my feet. […]

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Phase Three: Sunset

  I am sure the two of us must seem like two buddies enjoying the sunset. You couldn’t be farther out. We are brothers not buddies. The other is equally inaccurate. I have a compelling affinity for this place. It presents a spectacle which is rare and beautiful. Yet, I don’t come here for the […]

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Phase Two: Midday

    A chance encounter can change your life. My life is a testimonial to that statement. Over ten years ago, another chance meeting with a stranger on a perfectly ordinary Saturday night had given me an experience to last a life-time, and changed the channel into which my life was to flow. My favorite […]

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Phase One: Dawn

Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man’s nature and of life’s potential. ~Ayn Rand I don’t remember the precise moment when The Decision became a living entity amongst us. It came home with us that night and none of us questioned its right to intrude upon […]

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My Phrase for 2012

The last post was a kind of advance warning… though NOT in a predictable way.. which would be hopelessly boring. 🙂 Of all the neat things that Mark Twain has said, I find this the neatest: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the […]

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