Month: October 2012



I gasped in shock as the scream slammed into me. It took me a few moments to realize that the awful guttural sound of pure rage had emerged from my own throat. All of the past year I have tried to run away from that scream. It was the sole witness to that truth you […]

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Life Watch

The little girl sat on the window sill, watching life amble past. It was late afternoon. Her parents were out, working. She, all of four years, was alone at home. It never bothered her, on the contrary. She preferred to be alone. Her house was on the road. One opened the front door, went down […]

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Mango Flavored Summer

It was the summer of  ‘91. I am sure if I tried, I could come up with a score of reasons why the summer of ‘91 was momentous for the world at large. Maybe it was, maybe not. All I know was that it was momentous for me. In hindsight, the self- absorption of a […]

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