Year: 2014

Mesmerizing Eyes (I)

Praful banged the door shut violently. The frame trembled, the glass in the window next to the door shivered with a tinkle of alarm. Unheeding, he ran down the steps and did not stop until he reached the bus stop. He did not want to go anywhere. His was using the bus stop as a […]

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You can CAN!

  You must have heard this adage many times: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. It is a jarringly cliched adage, one I personally find annoyingly pompous. Yeah right, I say to myself! It is very easy to preach it when everything is going well. When life actually hands you a lemon, you are […]

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Let Us Play!

I realized something as I began writing this. I can no longer call him a newbie. As they are eager to point out, chronology is just a number anyway. By all other criteria, he is a veteran. I met Sid Balachandran a few months ago, on a mutual friend’s Facebook wall. Yes child, that’s where […]

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The Non- Conformist

  When my first child was born, one of the visitor said, “Congratulations on the birth of your motherhood!” The greeting was unusual; it arrested my attention. But even stranger was her expression. She seemed very concerned. I know she was trying to tell me more than her words said. She sat down with me, […]

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Searching: Item Not Found

Purba Ray needs no introduction but I wouldn’t be done out of an opportunity to express my admiration for this stellar blogger. I came across  Purba’s blog  A-Musing over a year ago. Her exquisite wit combined with her absolutely delightful language mixed with a ‘Oh So Rare!’ penchant for calling a spade a spade had […]

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Leaves and Stars

It has been a few years since I read Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha. I read it in quick succession a few times in the beginning… and a few times hence. But I hadn’t picked it up in the last three years. When I picked it up yesterday again, It felt soothingly familiar. It has refreshed and […]

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  The dictionary lists Zoilism as nagging, unjust criticism. Zolius was a Greek grammarian and a cynical philosopher. Carping, nagging criticism seems to have been his forte. His most famous work is a monograph called Homeric Questions in which he analyzed Homer’s work and pointed our many errors. Since then, his name is associated with […]

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Do you know the most effective way of interpreting failure Yet? How you deal with life’s defeats will shape your future. It is possible that you have had many references to failure in the past. With each new incident, you have acquired a new leg of reference for your table of failure. As you know, […]

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  Xenos (plural Xenoi) is the Greek word for a stranger or a guest who is a friend. This guest- friend might well be a god in disguise and may possess the power to bless you and your household. Thus the Greeks have a custom of extending hospitality to all strangers because, who knows which […]

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 Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It is going to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am imperfect […]

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