Non- Fiction

A Bicycle for Hire

My father had a poultry farm once. Not very big, just about 1000-1200 birds. Big plot of land though; over 8000 square feet. The building housing the pens right at the back of the plot… farthest from the approach road. There was a huge berry tree in the middle of the plot, and a big […]

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Intuitive Action

About 10 years ago my daughter was about 2500 kilometers from Newcastle, and rang me one day sobbing because of an emotional trauma she was facing. She was about 20, and in a town known as Ayrlie Beach in Northern Queensland. I asked her what it was that she needed most in that moment, and […]

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The Power of Money

Some of you may already know that I travel around the region pretty frequently, having to visit and conduct seminars at my offices in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Suzhou (China). I am in the airport almost every other week so I get to bump into many people who have attended my seminars or have read […]

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Fenced in

Fences are for protection. They help you hold precious things in a safe enclosure. There is a lot to be said about fences. They help you to chalk out territory and instill a feeling of safety and protection in you. It helps define a framework and gives a feeling of freedom within the boundary. The […]

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The Ripple Effect

Actually there is no reason for me not to have written this earlier. The more I felt I ought to write it, the less I wanted to. Today, I suddenly asked myself why I was shying away from it… and the pointed tailed one sitting on my left shoulder whispered the P word in my […]

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Getting Out of The Box

Out-of-box Thinking is a familiar phrase when we talk of problem-solving nowadays. We know of it… that’s all. Knowing how to drive a car is completely different from actually sitting behind the wheel and engaging the gears for the first time. Just as being aware of out-of-box thinking methods and actually using the methods yourself […]

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Learn to Stand Aside

The dust has settled down and it is time to take stock and count the casualties. Valentine Day has just gone by. This day was supposed to celebrate something essentially private and personal… something which must never be witnessed by strange eyes… for a public exposure makes it inhumanly cheap and vulgar. The tender feeling of love has acquired […]

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The Spirit of Mumbai

Just as the spirit of a person is the essence of that person, so too is the spirit of a city. When we understand the core to a person, we can predict their reactions to some extent. We can say, “Oh I know what she will say when she hears this news.” Or… “I know […]

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Lieutenant Prakash

In February of 2006, I was asked to conduct a week long seminar for Physics Post-Graduate students of my old college. It was the students who had approached me. They told me they wont be able to pay me much. I liked the way they had taken the initiative and the positive energy with which they talked. Moreover, […]

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Backup Plans

My eldest one came, pulled up a chair and flopped down on it. She had just returned from her painting class. I knew something was bothering her, or she would have proceeded to her room to change and freshen up before talking to me. I was in the middle of writing a tricky kind of […]

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