The spelling of soap is s-o-a-p not s-o-p-e. So watt? The spelling is wrong! Who cares? Yoeu still understod, didn’t youe? Why can’t you bother to remember the correct spelling of words?! You aren’t even dyslexic! Watt can a few alphabets here or three mater? Oh, really?! Yes. Stp being such a grammar nazi! *** […]
55 Fiction
Misunderstanding- 55 Fictions
One “You’ve been avoiding me for two weeks. You don’t say hello; you don’t reply when I do. What’s wrong?” Silent glare. “You have to tell me!” “I hear you’ve been trying to get cozy with Sheena even though you know she is my girl.” “No! How could you even think I’d do such a […]
Passionate Fifty- Fives
Love He calls me Ragini. I’m not just an inanimate flute to him. I come to life in his hands. I breathe with his breath and sing to the music in his soul.. matching him… beat for beat, rhythm for rhythm. I desire nothing but to belong to him- to draw my life from his […]
Life in 55 Words
ONE “Dad, let me take this summer job.” “What?! You’re just sixteen! People will think I can’t provide for my family.” “It’ll be good for my future, I’ll learn so much. Please?” “I’ll become the laughing stock of town. I’ve said no, discussion over.” The child fell silent, spirit crumpled under the weight of society’s […]
Green- 55 Fiction
GREEN They flocked around him like a bunch of cackling hens. In two days, my handsome good looks had paled into insignificance next to his passionately brooding maleness. The girls went to him like bees to a pot of honey. The pansy…!!! Sensuously, pleasurably, longingly, fingers crushed the luxuriant blossom, purple juice seeping into the […]
MicroFiction: Five Times Fifty-five

The Challenge… 55-word microfiction. Themes: Love, Hate, Jealousy, Greed/ Gluttony, Philandering. Love He calls me Ragini. I’m not just an inanimate flute to him. I come to life in his hands. I breathe with his breath and sing to the music in his soul.. matching him… beat for beat, rhythm for rhythm. I desire […]