Hello there!

Looks like you’ve written a book–or are almost done writing one!

Congratulation! You have joined a select club of those rare people who follow through on their promises to themselves!

Almost everyone has a fabulous idea for a story. Some have lived their fantasy from when they were tiny tots. Over the years their imagination has fleshed out their stories and added thrilling blobs of colour to their narratives. A narrative, alas, that only lives in their head!

They make no move to bring their world to life by clothing it in words. But you, you’ve given bones, flesh and raiment to your story. That is cause for celebration!

Now that the hard work of writing the book is done, we can go to the next step.

A good editor is like tinsel to a Christmas Tree...they add the perfect amount of sparkle without being gaudy. ~Bobbi Romans Share on X

Are you looking for someone to beta-read and critique your manuscript and evaluate it for publishing? Do you need some help with editing your precious manuscript? Do you want someone to go over it with some Chamois leather and make it shine and glow? 

If you said YES to many of those, you’ve come to the right place!

I am an experienced and certified editor who works freelance. I am in love with words which gather together to make a book. Modesty aside, I think the combination of skill and passion does make me a pretty good editor.

I edit fiction (all genres except horror) and non-fiction, corporate communications and documents, as well as articles and blog posts. Please fill out the form below or email me at serenely.rapt@gmail.com to book your slot for editing your manuscript.

My editing skills are available for hire in the following professional domains:

Beta Reading and Manuscript Assessment/Critique:

If you have your manuscript ready and would like a pair of professional and experienced eyes to go over it and point out any inconsistencies or holes, someone to read and evaluate it for publishing, I can help.

Copy Editing:

I would correct grammar, style and repetition. I would make sure that your word usage is perfect and correct punctuation. I would also ensure that your manuscript is jargon-free and the syntax is smooth. For a minor extra charge, I will also highlight particularly inconsistent or irrelevant passages or sections that need re-writing for any reason.

Line Editing:

Line editing involves checking each sentence and paragraph to ensure lucidity and fluency. The aim is to make your manuscript an enjoyable read by keeping your writing clear, fluid and in sync with your writing style. Through line editing, I would make sure that the right atmosphere is created in a reader’s mind, and correct word choice conveys the right meaning.

Substantive Content Editing:

Substantive or deep content editing requires evaluation of your work as a whole. The structure, organization, coherence, and logical consistency might need a little (or a lot) tweaking. Sentences may be moved or reorganized. Paragraphs may be rewritten, condensed or expanded. Blocks of text may be moved from one section to another or deleted entirely to ensure coherence and conciseness of the text. Under this, I would not perform line or copy-edit functions.

Developmental Editing:

This is the most intensive editing procedure of all. In addition to restructuring and revising the presentation, I might also add new text that does not already exist because a thought seems incomplete or inconclusive. This kind of editing is offered only for manuscripts which have been copy-and-line edited already and still lack a sense of completeness.

Complete Editing:

If you engage me for the complete editing of your manuscript, I would first Beta Read and Critique your manuscript and point out what is working and what is not—with specific suggestions on how to get it to work. Once you have reworked the manuscript, I would read the manuscript again to check for consistency, flow and coherence. At this stage, if needed, I would perform substantive and developmental edits too along with line editing and send the manuscript to you. Once you accept all the changes I have made, I would perform the second round of copy-edit. Needless to say, most authors find this service most useful because it includes everything they were hoping to get from their editor. 

My Work Ethics:

Integrity, accountability, timeliness, quality and commitment are not just words to me. I live them every day. The extra-mile is not just a term to impress clients, it is lived and demonstrated. Quality work is the norm, not the exception. I don’t mislead or make tall claims. I mean what I say and say only what I mean.

For a Sample Edit:

If you’d like to see a sample of my work, you can email me the first three chapters of your MS at serenely.rapt@gmail.com.  I would edit a few pages of it so you can see if I would be a good fit for your project or not. Do check out some of the glowing testimonials my authors have given me.

Write to me now!