To be honest, this is not a book review. This is the description of a soul-satisfying feast. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that the first paragraph of the book was about maasor tenga, a signature dish from verdant Asom. It is not just a paragraph heralding a gripping story. It has layer upon layer of […]
One Book Is All It Took

I bought a book* around fifteen years ago. For some reason I can no longer remember, I did not read the book for almost three years after I got it. There it sat, gathering dust, while I struggled trying to find a foothold in the dense fog. All the while, if I had but read […]
Daring Greatly: Unlearn
Join me as I share some thoughts triggered by Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly.
Remembering Enid Blyton: Lemonade and Ginger Beer
With deep delight and honor, I present a guest most of you are too familiar with to need introduction. Alka Gurha looks upon the world through a pair of enchanted, mirth-tinted spectacles before she takes up her pen to describe it for all us, lesser humans. Her pen creates a magical alchemy through which crooked […]
Sunday Brunch (#2)
This week’s brunch will begin with a wound. It is best to eat the bitter dishes first so that the rest of the meal can be enjoyed in peace. This post is almost as if the universe were telling me, “Watch, notice. This is what happens when the spirit is wounded. This is the effect, […]
RIP Tarla Dalal
My first ever cookbook was written by the queen of cookbooks- Tarla Dalal. Those years, hers were the only dependable cookbooks. She made everything seem so easy to do. Her measurements were always perfect to a T. She took the uncertainty of out of the most complicated dishes. Cakes and desserts were impossible to tame, […]
Futurist- II
Change is the first word in the vocabulary of Future Shock. We don’t mind change, in fact, we like it. When life turns boring and dull, it spices things up and adds a zing back to it. But. We like our change in small doses. We like to control it. We like it just this […]
Futuristic- I
Alvin Toffler is described as a Futurist. He is a man who studies societal behavior and identifies the cause of the behaviors. Of these, change is certainly one of the biggest factors. In recent times, the rate of change- in volume and frequency- has made change the biggest factor that impacts human behavior. On the […]
The Shape of My Wings
It is said that five years from today you would remain the same person you are now but for the people who come into your life. For me, the easiest way of letting people into my life is through books. It is chiefly through books that we enjoy the communion with superior minds. In […]