Life Skills

Sleeping Giant (IV)

[Continued from Sleeping Giant (I), Sleeping Giant (II) and Sleeping Giant (III).] In Sleeping Giant (III), I told you a few more stories demonstrating my power. I know the conscious mind (Noisy Little Brother, NLB) is a tough customer and it takes an effort to silence him and all his clever comments. Your self-talk is […]

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Sleeping Giant (III)

[Continued from Sleeping Giant (I) and Sleeping Giant (II)] Through the ages, people over the world have recognized and used my power. People have learned to silence the conscious mind (Noisy Little Brother- NLB) and to let me, the subconscious mind, take the reins. They have allowed the true master rule over one who was […]

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Sleeping Giant (II)

Continued from Sleeping Giant (I) Perhaps you are you are ready to learn how to awaken the giant who slumbers within you. But then again, perhaps you are looking for more proof. Proof that the power I say I have, I really have. Proof that other people have learned how to harness my power and […]

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A Survivor’s Manual

Wounds that drip blood are colorful. Their bloodless counterparts, though more painful, are boring. They have no drama value. I am talking of the wounds we suffer inside. The bruises of the mind, the lacerations of the heart and the battering of the soul. The wounds on our non-physical persona are invisible. They throb with […]

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Fenced in

Fences are for protection. They help you hold precious things in a safe enclosure. There is a lot to be said about fences. They help you to chalk out territory and instill a feeling of safety and protection in you. It helps define a framework and gives a feeling of freedom within the boundary. The […]

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Getting Out of The Box

Out-of-box Thinking is a familiar phrase when we talk of problem-solving nowadays. We know of it… that’s all. Knowing how to drive a car is completely different from actually sitting behind the wheel and engaging the gears for the first time. Just as being aware of out-of-box thinking methods and actually using the methods yourself […]

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Learn to Stand Aside

The dust has settled down and it is time to take stock and count the casualties. Valentine Day has just gone by. This day was supposed to celebrate something essentially private and personal… something which must never be witnessed by strange eyes… for a public exposure makes it inhumanly cheap and vulgar. The tender feeling of love has acquired […]

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Backup Plans

My eldest one came, pulled up a chair and flopped down on it. She had just returned from her painting class. I knew something was bothering her, or she would have proceeded to her room to change and freshen up before talking to me. I was in the middle of writing a tricky kind of […]

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The Sweet Taste of Money

Money is word which can upset our breathing pattern. We react with intense emotion in money related issues. From the time we were kids, money has been the pivot around which our lives have revolved. Directly or indirectly, money is a cause for most of the argument and negative emotion within a family. We grow […]

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