
Boy With a Backpack


The boy with a backpack was ten years old, give or take a year. He had bright, intelligent eyes and a cocky assurance about him. He wore a tan jacket and khakhi full length trousers, in protection against the chilly winter winds. He was carrying a backpack which he refused to put down. From time […]

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[youtube] My first reaction to this video was of admiration for Jennifer… naturally. She is certainly a girl of indomitable spirit. Although the video speaks only of her victories and the encouragement she received from her family, surely there must have been days, instances, when she would be made to feel incomplete. Not by […]

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The Brothers

A man zoomed noisily into a narrow street in a rundown neighborhood. He was driving a brand new Porsche car, all shiny black and chrome. Its beautiful new alloy wheels glinted like silver. Its sleek contours spoke volumes about its performance on the road. Its engine purred mutely, holding all the horses under the hood […]

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Common Denominator

My son came home from school yesterday, peeved to bits. The manner in which he jerked off his shoes after plonking himself on a handy chair, told its own story. With eyes averted and face glowering with impending thunder, he snatched off his tie and belt as if they were to be summarily hanged. Hmmm, […]

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Milk Of Human Kindness

Sid Balachandran hardly needs an introduction. Chances are, if you are in the market for quality reading and edge-of-the-seat fiction, you’ve come across Sid’s blog I Wrote Those. That he is a core member of the very popular Project 365 team is just the proverbial cherry on top. A few days back Sid asked me […]

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Just Making Money

A few months ago, a former net acquaintance got back in touch with me after an interval of almost three years. You know how you meet people on the net and sort of drift away after a while, don’t you? On an aside, I am sometimes wonder if we drift away  because there is something […]

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Let Us Play!

I realized something as I began writing this. I can no longer call him a newbie. As they are eager to point out, chronology is just a number anyway. By all other criteria, he is a veteran. I met Sid Balachandran a few months ago, on a mutual friend’s Facebook wall. Yes child, that’s where […]

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Remembering Enid Blyton: Lemonade and Ginger Beer

With deep delight and honor, I present a guest most of you are too familiar with to need introduction. Alka Gurha looks upon the world through a pair of enchanted, mirth-tinted spectacles before she takes up her pen to describe it for all us, lesser humans. Her pen creates a magical alchemy through which crooked […]

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