
Wholesomeness Of Spirit

Winning through adverse circumstances and challenges is inspiring for all those who bear witness to the victory. But when you win through with your humility untainted by bitterness; resilience unsullied by a betrayed sense of entitlement, you demonstrate a Wholesomeness of Spirit which inspires reverence!

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My Friend Mani (Fin)

Continued from My Friend Mani We went to Mani’s home next evening. We took chocolates and a couple of board games for his two children- a boy and a girl- who were the same age as our girls. For Shikha we took a length of dress material and a book on machine embroidery patterns. This […]

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My Friend Mani

I really don’t want to talk about Mani. But I must talk about him. I feel compelled to tell the story- and to tell it truthfully. It makes me look bad but that can’t be helped. I need to tell you what happened to my friend Mani; for the sake of everyone associated with the […]

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    The Earth (ground) is a leveler. It has the ability to absorb as well as to exude energy. It can absorb negative energy and exude positive energy. In that sense, the earth is also a dynamic, magical entity. When you are in touch with the earth, walking bare foot in the grass early […]

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Out of the Blue (Conclusion)

Continued from Out of the Blue (I) Today we began by talking of rain. With monsoon just round the corner, we were both behaving like giddy school kids on the verge of the two month summer holidays. The glee in our voice would have been obvious to anyone. Monsoon is very personal to both of […]

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Out of the Blue (I)

Anup called today after a long gap today. I don’t even remember how long it had been since we talked last. Our hellos barely over, the first thing I said to myself was, “He wants to talk for a long time today.” The sentence came out of the blue. It was triggered by nothing whatsoever, […]

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Two Little Girls

The story is old but timeless, as all good stories must be. There was nothing distinguishing, let alone spectacular, about those two girls. They lived in houses opposite each other. They studied in the same school, in the same class. They went to school by the same school bus. They both loved to read. Well, […]

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Time Traveler

You log on to Facebook in the morning. You read notifications. Desultorily, almost flippantly, you reply to comments. You throw down your obligatory two cents at the feet of the wisdom others have spouted during the night when you were catching your eight hours like a good girl. Your day has begun. You kick imaginary […]

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