
Enough To BE

The restaurant was dim and cool after the blistering heat outside.  I had been window shopping since morning and now my feet were avenging themselves on my pointless rambling. All I had to show for my aching feet was an ugly, cheap umbrella I didn’t need to buy. It was my misguided attempt at beating […]

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Beyond Limitations

One talks about not letting one’s limitations determine the size of one’s sky. Like you, I too have heard the stories. I too have been inspired and impressed. To my own limited extent, I too have tried to emulate them in my own life. But no other story has impacted me as much has this […]

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Not Enough Time

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80–20 rule, the law of the vital few, and the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, observed in 1906 that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% […]

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Hot Chocolate

“My my! Someone’s looking like thunder today? What happened Amrita?” Runoo Mosi’s (Mosi: Mother’s sister, aunt. Forming bonds with people one is not related to is very common in India) voice was concerned, her brows puckered up. “Nothing Mosi”, said little Amrita looking utterly woebegone. Her eyes lowered, she took her place amidst the other […]

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Against Hopelessness

A short while ago I was reading a fellow blogger’s reasons for why she has posted nothing for almost three weeks. Of the ten reasons she cited, one of them was the climate of hopelessness and dejection she imbibes from the world around her- news, social media, Facebook updates and posts from other bloggers. It […]

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A Cheap Silver Ring

Somali was excited. Her mother’s birthday was barely three days away. Somali had decided that this birthday she would buy a gift for her mother. And it would be a surprise! Somali was going to be eleven a few days after her mom’s birthday. They shared a birthday month. The thought made Somali glow with […]

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I don’t believe in religion. There! I said it! I was in ninth grade. There was a moral science class going on. Our regular teacher was absent hence our vice- principal Sr M was conducting the class. It was a combined class with three sections squeezed together. Imagine eighty+ fifteen year old girls packed together […]

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Off The Shelf

Off the shelf solutions are convenient. They are cost- effective instead of being cheap. To the naked eye, the former is merely the politically correct way of saying the latter. Actually, there is no other difference between the two. Off the shelf apparel, business solutions, software… they are all cheaper and very convenient to use. […]

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The free online dictionary defines Pliant as: 1. Easily bent or flexed; pliable. 2. Easily altered or modified to fit conditions; adaptable. 3. Yielding readily to influence or domination; compliant. Its synonyms include: amenable, ductile, elastic, flexible, governable, limber, lissom, malleable, manageable, plastic, pliable, soft, supple,  tractable, yielding. You may have heard this word used for […]

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There was a time when I had no concept of opposites. No, that’s not right. There was a time I had no concept of the importance of the opposites to each other. When someone told me that darkness was essential for one to understand light, or that a heart that hasn’t plumbed the depths of […]

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