
Affirmations: Day #14

  I affirm that… Money flows freely and abundantly into my life. To trade by means of money is the code of the men of good will. Money rests on the axiom that every man is the owner of his mind and his effort. Money allows no power to prescribe the value of your effort […]

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Passion Room (Fini)

Continued fromPassion Room (One), (Two) and (Three) I chafed against all the conditions the Guild had imposed. At first I was annoyed about the three item limit. Next I grumbled against the ‘once in, always in’ rule. But for this rule, I could have brought in a book, a notebook and a pen every day […]

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Passion Room (Three)

Continued from Passion Room (One) And (Two) In fact, this wasn’t my bathroom at all! In shocked confusion, I looked around the room. The room was easily three times the chicken pen I lived in. It was empty but for a table and two chairs standing in the right corner. Blinking in confusion, I stepped […]

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Passion Room (Two)

Continued from Passion Room (One)… Four months ago I had landed in this dusty, crowded little town of Rajasthan. I had chosen the coaching institute online. Admission formalities were completed via e-mail and electronic money transfer.  The institute had promised me assistance in finding accommodation. Coaching is the biggest business in this town. The citizenry […]

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Passion Room (One)

It was war! The air was thick with dust and the acrid, metallic stink of gun- powder. The heat was scalding and steamy. Sounds of heavy artillery drowned out hoarse voice shouting orders; orders which carried an edge of horrified terror. My heart pounded uncomfortably in my chest; the lance of panic held me impaled. […]

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Life in 55 Words

ONE “Dad, let me take this summer job.” “What?! You’re just sixteen! People will think I can’t provide for my family.” “It’ll be good for my future, I’ll learn so much. Please?” “I’ll become the laughing stock of town. I’ve said no, discussion over.” The child fell silent, spirit crumpled under the weight of society’s […]

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Green- 55 Fiction

GREEN They flocked around him like a bunch of cackling hens. In two days, my handsome good looks had paled into insignificance next to his passionately brooding maleness. The girls went to him like bees to a pot of honey. The pansy…!!! Sensuously, pleasurably, longingly, fingers crushed the luxuriant blossom, purple juice seeping into the […]

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The Power of Money

Some of you may already know that I travel around the region pretty frequently, having to visit and conduct seminars at my offices in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Suzhou (China). I am in the airport almost every other week so I get to bump into many people who have attended my seminars or have read […]

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Vitamin M

The spring in his step proclaimed his elation as loudly as a an announcement shouted from roof-tops. Yes… he shouted mutely to himself, hugging a precious thought close. YES… he exulted, his heart brimming over. Yes was the only word he permitted himself. Yet it was not only a word. It was vindication, his future […]

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