A profound commitment to peer deeply into each moment to see how best you might discover, absorb and experience life, will open you up to experience a state of Expanded Consciousness.
A state of Expanded Consciousness is created when your mind and soul co-join. This is when the experience of life meets the awareness of its fullness. The state is triggered off by a moment in which you take an involuntary step backward and at last see the forest that was in front of your eyes all along.
The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.
~Lao Tzu
You not only see the forest- with its trees, water bodies, flora and fauna; you see also the purpose the forest serves in the larger scheme of things. More than anything else, you see how something as disconnected to you as the forest actually has life lines running into your body, sustaining you- and millions like you.
You finally realize that your conviction of abandonment and isolation were the petulant delusion of a child, who convinces himself that he is unloved whenever his wishes are thwarted.
Experiencing a state of Expanded Consciousness is not reserved for a select few. The state is not a once in a blue moon occurrence; it exists in an unbroken continuum. All it needs is your attention. A state of grace and blessedness is always within reach, after all.
The most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because of technology but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human
~ John Naisbitt
You may have had an experience of Expanded Consciousness in a flash, as an Epiphany. Or you may have experienced it intermittently during a turbulent, intense period of emotional distress leading to an awakening. Both kinds of experiences, whether an epiphany or an awakening, are immensely powerful and leave you feeling connected to the universe and in complete harmony with it.
The experience of an epiphany gives you a foretaste of what the full meal will be like. It is a touch of enchantment, one you look eagerly to recreate. You become a Seeker looking for more evidence of the connectedness you experience, Simultaneously a part of youย wonders if you imagined it all.
The experience of an awakening gives you a irrefutable evidence of your oneness with the universe. You learn to stay afloat in this pool. As your comfort grows, you learn to swim- and even to dive deep into its translucent depths.
You become a Student exploring the new space, learning how vast and limitless it is. You learn also that the only thing that stopped you from experiencing this fullness was your own disbelief in its existence; an understandable disbelief since you never had an experience of it. The gates leading to this state were not only unlocked, they were flung wide open.
You had no idea what existed beyond the homely looking gates.

Reading this post too is an amazing experience of widening, of seeking, of connecting, of becoming aware…thank you for sharing this! I love the idea of seeing the forest as intricately connected with me, in me, sustaining and holding me. And those “translucent depths” of the ocean of universe – that will stay with me for a while. Thank you ๐ Beautiful image, really.
Thank you for your words Beloo. They mean much to me. ๐
Indeed, and I can officially say that I am now “afloat on this pool” ๐
You know the next step… ๐
Beautiful as ever Dagny…you post is soothing. Lately I have felt the presence of “Universe’s hand” in my life.
May you always have that feeling Janaki. Because the ‘hand’ is always there, even when we think it isn’t. ๐
Its an unnerving experience, but then the more attune one is with their self, the more they realize how vast and limitless the Universe is.
I completely agree that the preconceived notions about a subject or person are a construct of our inner mind and not what they actually are. Which is why we tend to be prejudiced and narrow minded about certain people!
Enlightenment is a journey and I hope that one day, I understand what I am meant to be without outside influences on my thoughts and actions..
Powerful post Dagny. I re-read it before commenting… and I’m quite sure that if I read it again, I will have more to take away.
Thank you so much Hema! I am so happy you were able to connect with this. You’ve summed it up so well! ๐
Sometimes I go running through life without quite realizing what is, or even who is around me. It is only when I take a deep breath and relax that I interact with and observe the surrounding (or the forest, in your words). Yes, you are right. I do realize that surrounding, that feeling of expanded consciousness in a moment’s thought, or maybe even intermittently without actually realizing it. But perhaps am yet to completely become the student of life and these experiences. I agree with Pixie. Powerful post that I will re-read too.
On a lighter note, I’ll be carrying a dictionary with me when I read your posts ๐ I find new words to understand more often than not, which is a good thing.
Leo, We all have stages we must pass through. When you’ve been a ‘seeker’ long enough, you will get to the next stage of being a student. And one never knows when that might happen.
You find my language complicated? ๐ Oh dear! I’m so sorry! I’ll try to use simpler words from now on… Thank you for reading this nevertheless… ๐
Oh I didn’t mean that. ๐ I meant that I find some new words in your posts. That’s a good thing actually.
Oh, then I guess I can continue as I am, eh? ๐
Nothing better than that, Dagny ๐ Who’s asking you to change the good things? Heheh!
Thank you Leo! ๐
Am not sure if I can call any of my A-HA moments as an epiphany or as awakening. An extent of awareness has crept in time and again on certain aspects. I like the “translucent” depths comparison Dagny! Like having visibility (or in this case awareness) limited to the immediate surroundings which makes it both intimidating and exciting.
No matter how you categorize those moments Prathima, you are aware of them. As long as you are, what’s in a label? ๐
Thank you so much for coming by… ๐
I totally agree. I find myself feeling more in tune with the Universe these days instead of fighting or questioning it.
Ah! Then it is obvious that your inner conflicts have resolved and you are at peace with yourself. You sense of self rests on solid values, not transitory upheavals! ๐
It is always a pleasure to visit this virtual abode of yours. A kind of peace and positive vibration is what I sense here. I especially liked the quote by Will Barnes. It reflects what one of my uncles told me once: If you’re happy, you can see even a stone is smiling at you. And if you’re unhappy even a vibrant flower will look gloomy. Thanks for writing such inspirational articles.
I am very happy you feel peaceful in my home Rekha. I am deeply gratified ny your words. Your appreciation humbles me.
Thank you for the smile you’ve given me today. And thank you for coming by. ๐
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