
To Be A Magnet- (I)

Cheetah yawned. It was a typically drowsy, warm summer day. He looked around, utterly bored. There never was anything to do in this awful jungle. Once again, the regret of having to relocate to this dull place smote him. He sighed sadly. He’d had to relocate; there were no gazelles or deer left in his […]

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Random Chance

Ravi hitched up his backpack and left. He had come to visit them ten days ago. They lived in a village fifty kilometers away from Nagpur. Dawn was just breaking in the east. The sky was flushed with promise. For no reason at all, Ravi felt braced. Today is the first day of the rest […]

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Unpacking The ‘P’ Word

The word is Positive. There, I said it! With an enthusiasm that can (and will) set your teeth on edge, proponents  of Positive Mental Attitude will exhort you to Be Positive. They go about it will all the delicacy of a bull in a china shop. On an aside, have you, personally, seen a bull in […]

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There is a lot to be said in favor of fences. Fences are put around things one is afraid of losing or damaging. They are a way of protecting things, of containing them so they don’t hurt themselves or be hurt. Fences are a sure way of letting a precious thing know how well it […]

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Sleeping Giant (IV)

[Continued from Sleeping Giant (I), Sleeping Giant (II) and Sleeping Giant (III).] In Sleeping Giant (III), I told you a few more stories demonstrating my power. I know the conscious mind (Noisy Little Brother, NLB) is a tough customer and it takes an effort to silence him and all his clever comments. Your self-talk is […]

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Sleeping Giant (III)

[Continued from Sleeping Giant (I) and Sleeping Giant (II)] Through the ages, people over the world have recognized and used my power. People have learned to silence the conscious mind (Noisy Little Brother- NLB) and to let me, the subconscious mind, take the reins. They have allowed the true master rule over one who was […]

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Sleeping Giant (II)

Continued from Sleeping Giant (I) Perhaps you are you are ready to learn how to awaken the giant who slumbers within you. But then again, perhaps you are looking for more proof. Proof that the power I say I have, I really have. Proof that other people have learned how to harness my power and […]

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Green- 55 Fiction

GREEN They flocked around him like a bunch of cackling hens. In two days, my handsome good looks had paled into insignificance next to his passionately brooding maleness. The girls went to him like bees to a pot of honey. The pansy…!!! Sensuously, pleasurably, longingly, fingers crushed the luxuriant blossom, purple juice seeping into the […]

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The Traveler’s Gift- Decision Seven

Continued from: The Traveler’s Gift- Decision Six The Persistent Decision I Will Persist Without Exception. Knowing that I have already made changes in my life that will last forever,today I insert the final piece of the puzzle. I possess the greatest power ever bestowed upon mankind, the power of choice. Today, I choose to persist […]

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